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Saturday 16 May 2015


Some days,
      Explosions occur.

When all the scorching hot suns I’ve swallowed suddenly begin to erupt into fiery volcanoes of primal rage and crystallized sadness, leaving behind the scorched remains of worn out flesh and feelings flooding my hollow gut.

                             Some days, in the book of life, are
                               Just marked worse than others.


  1. how true! some days are made of "crystallized sadness"...beautiful lines:)

  2. Indeed, I can relate so well to that. There was a time when the feeling became overwhelming. So I cut down on my load and started dealing with one-day at a time and aiming for a complete reboot everyday, rather every night. Yesterday is gone, it cannot be changed. The future is not here, so I cannot really predict or change that either. The only thing I can do is live and do my best in the present moment.

    Let the explosions occur. But let them subside as well. :)

    1. Now that's a good way to deal with them, hope you managed well!
      If not provoke, I believe they ought to subside soon!

  3. Indeed, I can relate so well to that. There was a time when the feeling became overwhelming. So I cut down on my load and started dealing with one-day at a time and aiming for a complete reboot everyday, rather every night. Yesterday is gone, it cannot be changed. The future is not here, so I cannot really predict or change that either. The only thing I can do is live and do my best in the present moment.

    Let the explosions occur. But let them subside as well. :)

  4. Yes, some days are very difficult! Hopefully things will improve.

  5. Some days are like that. But then those days pass away too :-)

    1. and this is the fact that keeps us going! :)
