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Friday 22 May 2015

Thoughts Unbound!!!

They tell me its not right,
They say I am too bold,
I am not supposed to speak my mind.
They tell me not to let thoughts astray.
But my mind is unbound.
I consider it a blessing,
They call it a curse...!

I think of flying,
They chain me down.
I talk about freedom,
They teach about bounds!
I think about airing my thoughts,
They shutter down the windows of my mind!
I ask them to let me escape,
They tell me its not allowed.

Oh! lord of the world,
What is wrong with them?
You never created them with bounds,
you never shuttered their brains down.
Then why are they,
A burden unto themselves???




  1. This was a beautiful depiction of underlying thoughts :)
    Beautifully penned!

  2. What does this have to do with lists? Did you read the post?

    1. It displays the list of things I wanna do, and the list of people's responses to my thoughts!.... Its a list of thoughts, read carefully dear!

  3. It's awful to feel trapped in your mind, unheard. You depicted this type of frustration well.

  4. It's awful to feel trapped in your mind, unheard. You depicted this type of frustration well.

  5. the poem reminds me of Maya Angelou's Caged Bird....a beautiful and heartfelt write Aqsa...

    1. Thank You Sumana!
      Caged bird is indeed a wonderful write!

  6. It is all part of life, or maybe the arogance of humans. The need to impose on others what we find as acceptible. And then to keep them in the same crab pot with us. It keeps us from progressing forward. But keeps us the same.

    1. Diversity is the essence of life, keeping us same is never gonna work out!

  7. No one should have the right to chain our free thoughts ... after all, we should have the freedom to think for ourselves.
