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Sunday, 1 March 2015

Waning Winter!

The chilled winter mornings and fog filled nights are her favorite times of the year. The cold chills the marrow and provides comfort by freezing out all the thoughts and emotions inside her, allowing a reprieve from depressing gloomy moods! The biting cold air challenges her to walk against it to feel alive and refreshed. The fog filled nights reflect her soul helping her hide from the harsh lights of clear starry nights. The hot chocolate shakes in these nights are the best companions and the long sweaters hug her insinuating a feeling of protection. The long hours of darkness save her from the light and help conceal her from vicious beings of the day. She can deal with the demons of the night but not with the snakes that roam around in the day time! The winter helps cover her lessening the absolute fear instilled in her. The chilly mornings wake her up to the fullest potential and the freezing water feels like the force of resurrection pulling her out from eternal slumber! These winter days are the only times that give the feeling of joy and contentment. But now the passing winter is leaving her gloomy and exposed to the harsh light of the approaching summer sun!