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Friday 1 March 2013

Yo0ho0oo!....(my version of cheers) here is one of the flattering moments; The Liebster Award. I've been nominated for this award by A Dreamy Gal and for that a very big thanks to her! :)

Now the rules:
*Thank the person awarding you! (is this really a rule o_O)
*Write 11 facts about yourself. (I am officially disliking this rule!)
*Nominate more people for the blog.
*Post 11 questions for them to answer.

Talking about myself is one of the things I hate passionately but as I've got no choice so here goes the bragging about myself:* I am human! (don't laugh...a whole lot of people around me seriously doubt this so I thought I'd better make the fact official)
*I'm the most boring being present on the planet as per stated by my friends! :P
*I have a passion for chocolates!
*I am a book worm...quite literally!
*I am generally a quite person but once I start talking I can babble short I get a verbal diarrhea! :P
*I like helping people even if they are some stupid jerk I'll still help them if asked!
*I value friendship a lot and my friends are the world to me! :)
I am a potterhead!
*I love stuff toys.....yes the typical girlish childish thing! :P
*I've got a volcanic anger;it comes fast bursts out and then settles down!
*I like talking to myself! :P

Yes I know these are the most stupid facts ever written but this is what I am like!Now the answers to your questions dreamygal:

What makes you write?

The need to clean my head... you see it gets pretty cramped if we keep all the thoughts inside! :P

The best feeling is knowing that you actually mean something for someone - Who is that person in your life? (A tough question I know!)
My mama and papa....but thats the obvious natural thing so the other person is my best friend.

Meaning of your name? (In case you blog under a pen name, why that name?)
Arabic meaning of Aqsa is 'Holy Light' but there's also a masjid in Palestine named 'Al-Aqsa' and the Palestinian meaning for it  'the farthest'.

One thing you want to change in life? (It can be people, situation, feeling or even me! :P)
We people want to change a lot of things all the time but now seriously thinking about it, the only thing i'd like to change is the imaginary magic world of Hogwarts to reality! :P

'Life gives you a million reasons to die, but one is enough to keep you alive' - What is your that 'one' reason? (If you have many, pen down all)
The need in me to do be the person I'd like myself to be before death claims me!

A bloggy/bloggies you would like to thank/appreciate/comments that made difference in your life? (I mean in blogging life. Don't include me, if am I am the one. That's height of bragging I know! :P)I want to thank all those people who commented on my posts and appreciated me to carry on with blogging and most of all I want to thank my friend Momina for inspiring me into blogging.
Namely I wanna thank Ph_, Purple Assassin, Adreamygal, Green speck and enigmatic soul.

One fear you live with?
The fear of having no nose like Lord Voldemort! :P
                         yes I am a big J.K.Rowling (harry potter) fan! :)

A dream which you didn't hope will come true, but did
I don' dream big so can't remember a significant dream!

Do you prefer to be straightforward, or shy away, or keep mum when it comes to saying some things? (You got the question I hope)
Depends on the person I am saying things to!....I am a straight forward person but also very shy in front a strangers and I mostly keep my thoughts to myself......I honor very few people with my precious thoughts! :P (you got the answer I hope)

Can you share your best blog post? (That which is closest to your heart, and not as per 'popularity')
I have yet to post it!'s still in my diary waiting to be honored! :)

No more questions :D I spare you this little trouble in exchange of a smile :P
Okay! here's the smile.... cheeeeeeeese  :)))

Now the awards:
The problem here is that the people I wanna award have already been awarded! Still here are the names;
*Purple Assasin
*Enigmatic Soul
*Green Speck
And this is the questionnaire I've got for them:

*Are you an introverted or an extroverted person?
*One thing in life that means the most to you?
*you are woken from deep sleep at 3 in the morning! what will be the first words out of your mouth?
*Who do you trust and listen to more? Brain or Heart?
*Your passion?
*Your zodiac sign? Do you posses the traits defining your zodiac?

*It is said: 'Don,t ask what the meaning of life is, you define it!', So what's your defination of life?
*One word that defines you?
*There is someone saying bad things about you!...Will you prefer confronting that someone or silently walking away?
*Are you a realistic person or do fairy tales mean more to you?

Those are all the questions I could think of and now I'll be waiting for your answers...



  1. For a sec, the 11 points about myself seemed like reading about me, except the boring personality ! :P (I am weird, crazy but not defi boring, or maybe o.O :)

    And i did say not to mention my name :@ :P anyway, why deny the appreciation :P so thanks! :P And well, post your yet-to-be-posted-but-most-fav-post soon on the blog ! (Please? :P)

    Congrats for the award, and thanks for answering them ! :) Cheers! :)

    1. Really? I said the fact about me being boring is stated by my friends whereas my siblings and cousins think I give a whole new definition to the word crazy! :P

      I guess I missed the part where You said not to mention you! ;)
      I'm gonna post it soon! :)
      Thank You! :)

  2. I just saw this!
    And thank you, thank you! :D I'll do the post soon! :D

  3. Thank you momina! :)
    I'll be waiting for your post!
